Tuesday, August 21, 2007

lifes truth part 1

i believe when a man is doing something he is enjoying, he is at his creative best. when the work becomes boring or routine, that is when he starts faltering. when passion is gone, creativity leaves soon..

one reason, the indian bands not coming up in a big way. Jamming day in and day out, might've made it routine for them. and of course the pressure, would've made them come out with songs which are not perfect...

I think Dave Gilmour is one person for who the passion of rocking never left.. all his songs are always at its best...perfect... flawless..


Vadapoche said...

Indian bands dont make it big because of lack of public patronage and not for lack of talent. When Mtv can degrade itself to playing crap as Indian music it is a testimony to how much support an aspiring band will have.
The moment people stop supporting covers and listen to original comps we may have more rock legends from India. remember Freddy Mercury was an Indian.

I'm done... said...

@jolly roger: i never said anything about the lack of talent. its not even about Indian bands.. its about the passion which dries up (the reason for that might be lack of public patronage (in ur words)), which leads to a loss in creativity..

.Sthomas said...

So what will happen " when a man is doing something he is enjoying" for a very long time ? Then doesnt it become a routine , thus boring and isnt that the end of him being at his creative best ???

Just a lil thought I have always had abt being passionate abt anything .. .. Somehow Passion doesnt seem to last too long ....

.Sthomas said...

Forgot to add ; Its a great post ..Short and simple....

Bullshee said...

why did u stop writing?