Monday, January 21, 2008

trilogy based on nietzche:Part 1: Death of Hope

Death of Hope
He had wanted to do a lot of great things in his life.
He always used to think he was alive and kicking for a reason. He knew that the mundane and everyday things were not for him. He was doing it till he does his GREAT thing. He always fantasized the time when he would be famous and everyone will look upto him.
He finally he realized the truth.
The truth that whatever he had always believed in was pure fantasy. Theres nothing important about his life. The people he thought were his ideals had grave faults that they used to hide or which he was too unwilling to believe existed when he was a believer.
Anyways he continued living. Without hope, without anything to look forward to, without a will to commit suicide.
There was nobody to mourn him except his self adorned self pity at the death of his Hope.

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